Star Ocean: The Second Story [NTSC-U] (PSX)
Claude Kenni is a young man who recently joined the Earth Federation, following the steps of his father. A strange energy has been spotted somewhere on a distant planet, and Claude and his father go there to investigate the matter. However, Claude gets sucked into a portal and ends up on a mysterious planet, in the middle of jungle. He sees a young girl threatened by a ferocious beast...
This young girl is Rena Lanford, an inhabitant of the planet (you can also start playing the game from her perspective). She likes going to the Shingo Forest to take a break from the world. But now she went a bit too far, and danger is ahead... but the two heroes finally meet and together continue the investigation.
Star Ocean: The Second Story is a RPG that contains some original gameplay elements. Combat takes place in an arena that allows your fighters to chase down or run away from enemies, as well as unleash special moves that damage any enemies in a large area of effect. You can learn various skills during the game, and become an expert alchemist, blacksmith, scientist, etc. You will be able to produce your own items (like for example making armor from iron ore if you have the appropriate skill). Another unique feature of the Star Ocean series is the so-called "Private Actions". You can talk to your party members and conquer their sympathies (so that they will fight better), or make them angry at you. The games has eighty slightly different endings that depend on your behavior to your comrades throughout the game.
Detailed Reviews
Name: Star Ocean: The Second Story
Version: NTSC-U
Packed: CD1: 291MB | CD2: 268MB
Unpacked: CD1: 530MB | CD2: 689MB
Format: bin/cue
Genre: (Action)RPG
Disc 1
Disc 2
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